
I'm currently thinking about what a reasonable platform for prototyping would look like. To start with:

EISL compiler internals, including details of the FFI

UNIX Libraries

Again going back to the OpenCOMAL days, here are some of the features I tried to use:

OpenCOMAL interpreter

Proposal for hardening prototypes

And some I would have liked to get around to:

Notably, all of the above are considered boring enough to have been standardised by orgs like X-Open or the IETF. This is not intended as a criticism, quite the opposite.

The eventual aim is that I would like something like multi-user interpreters, e.g. a MUD (I liked ColdC/ColdCore) but using COMAL as the language. I might have preferred to start from the existing OpenCOMAL, but unfortunately after reading a paper on AFL a while ago I wouldn't connect any software written in a non memory-safe language to the Internet.

I probably won't ever get that far, but taking the advice of (I think) the comp.lang.lisp FAQ, if I write some useful libraries along the way that's fine. seem to be in this space but they actually have some funding :-)

Other Libraries

Reading back on this, it resembles an old post I wrote on learnings from some embedded systems projects. There I concentrated on

On PC-class hardware debug logging is probably better done by syslog. The others two are still nice to have though, although

(Oberon) Programming in the Large

GNU Nana

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