It's this time again, where I
wander around gemini crawlers
Mostly broken sites and hello worlds
Mostly closed doors and curtains on the walls of the street
everyone talking about the same things
how they got here, because nobody knows what to do with here now that they have it
hey I do that too, to be clear
gemini's leaves are falling fast
I think they're prettier while they're still up
dead links have less variety than live ones
they're needed, sure
why would anyone search through a box that only contains what you want
they're humble, emitting a simple standard signal for what should have been someone's
someone's something
what is this even
it's silent, I think no one's watching
but it's not dead yet
the dead links are silent, but it's not the same
I think I'm at that point where you try to explain why solar system is better than no solar system
the point where you need to stop thinking
I mean not that you *need* to stop thinking, the pointlessness is just becoming increasingly apparent