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prayer of the writer

A meditation and prayer based on "Atrus's Prayer" written in an early form of the D'ni constructed language as part of the 1996 Myst calendar (November for the prayer, December for a devotional musing from Atrus' journal). Written July 2021.

meditation on awe

I am not able to understand, only to understand more. The picture that I wish to examine is not static; it is growing and living. Even as I understand how the hinges of a door allow me to open it, I find it leads to a room even larger than the first. But I think, perhaps, that is part of wisdom: knowing that I cannot know all, understanding that I cannot understand all. If the Maker’s creation was understandable, would I not find the Maker something less than great? Would I not consider myself equal with the Maker? It is a tribute, then, to his greatness when I find myself more confused even at the very instant I have gained insight.


O Maker! I was reflecting on your powers, and in thinking what a blessing it is to be able to behold the various works of your making, it awes me how complex in appearance you have created this cosmos I live in. Yet, however it may appear to my senses, you still continue to love me.
I pray to you who are called God: I revere you who are the maker; I cherish the making that you make. I do not fully understand what I am to accomplish by the great power you grant me, yet still I work to achieve it by your greatness and holiness. I praise you for what you do; I thank you for what you have done and what you will do.
I am thankful for my teachers who were diligent in seeking you and the understanding of you.