╵┌┼┐╵ polyphanes.smol.pub
╷└┼┘╷ by polyphanes

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Hello, world!

Sometimes old conventions are more timeless than aged, I suppose.

It's been a while since I started anything like a new website for myself in earnest, after maintaining my "The Digital Ambler" blog for so long. I've tried to develop something else more personal twice or thrice over the years, but something I've realized about myself (especially with more communication happening over Discord chats) that I only have so many words to use for myself. Still, Geminispace has been something I've been meaning to get into for a while now, and after finding smol.pub, I decided to hop on and give it a whirl. If nothing else, I can at least use this as a sort of base while I figure this out and see how I feel about keeping up with it. I've always had a fondness for text-only interfaces, and the simplicity of old-style websites has always made my heart warm and full; Gemini seems to hit all those sweet spots for me, while also being something of a challenge to disabuse myself of some unfortunate habits picked up from other online media.

To that end, I got a smol.pub account last night and started building a small capsule for myself (and stayed up too late past my bedtime in the process), offering a small "about me" page and an "where else to find me" page. I figure I'll be seeing what may or may not be appropriate to add to this in the future; I've had fantasies of migrating my massive 14-year-old blog and all its resources over to Geminispace, but that may not be a project appropriate to this particular space. In the meantime, I can at least set myself up here and relish in the simplicity and directness of it all (while also procrastinating on chores, work, and the usual other things).

So, yeah! Here's my obligatory "Hello, world!" first post, where I can also at least try out formatting and the like. Thank you for having me. <3