

This capsule is running on my own code (somehow) that I've written myself. Since gemini was a pretty simple specification to implement, I decided to do it myself to get a much inferior solution than trying to use something popular. Polaris is pretty much just a static page host with not much interactivity unless I for some reason implement it in the server. It automatically generates gemtext pages for browsing each directory and appends a header and footer of my liking to each gemtext page.

The code overall is pretty bad still but it works. The hardest part was getting tls working since a lot of the examples end up doing everything except explaining and showing how to use tls. It wasn't too hard to get working since gemini is a surprisingly easy specification to implement as a server.

I plan on eventually expanding out polaris to be more interactive despite that literally being against gemini's goal but I do wanna see how far I can push the protocol. Maybe I might be able to get some kind of client authentication and start some kind of forum to allow comments and such on my posts. Would be pretty neat and it is possible since gemini supports clientside tls certification.



Email ( i.have@colossus.wang )
