RSS feed for OpenBSD stable packages repository (made with XSLT)

NILI am happy to announce there is now a RSS feed for getting news in case of new

packages available on my repository


The file is available at [](

I take the occasion of this blog post to explain how the file is generated as I

did not find easy tool for this task, so I ended up doing it myself.

I choosed to use **XSLT**, which is not quite common. Briefly, **XSLT** allows

to use some kind of XML template on a XML data file, this allow loops,

filtering etc... It requires only two parts: the template and the data.

The following file is a template for my RSS file, we can see a few tags

starting by `xsl` like `xsl:for-each` or `xsl:value-of`.

It's interesting to note that the `xsl-for-each` can use a condition like

`position < 10` in order to limit the loop to the 10 first items.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


<xsl:template match="/">

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">




<title>OpenBSD unofficial stable packages repository</title>


<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />


<!-- Generating items -->

<xsl:for-each select="feed/news[position()&lt;10]">



<xsl:value-of select="title"/>



<xsl:value-of select="description"/>



<xsl:value-of select="date"/>








Now, we need some data to use with the template.

I've added a comment block so I can copy / paste it to add a new entry into the

RSS easily. As the date is in a painful format to write for a human, I added to

my Makefile starting the commands a call to a script replacing the string DATE

by the current date with the correct format.




<description>Firefox 67.0.1</description>

<date>Wed, 05 Jun 2019 06:00:00 GMT</date>


<!-- copy paste for a new item








I love makefiles, so I share it even if this one is really short.



xsltproc template.xml news.xml | xmllint -format - | tee rss.xml

scp rss.xml


rm rss.xml

When I want to add an entry, I copy / paste the comment block in news.xml, add

DATE, run `make` and it's uploaded :)

The command **xsltproc** is available from the package **libxslt** on OpenBSD.

And then, after writing this, I realise that manually editing the result file

rss.xml is as much work as editing the news.xml file and then process it with

xslt... But I keep that blog post as this can be useful for more complicated

cases. :)