NixOS Bento: now able to compare local and remote NixOS version

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Project update: the report is now able to compare if the remote server is using the NixOS version we built locally. This is possible as NixOS builds are reproducible, I get the same result on the server and the remote system.

The tool is getting in a better shape, the code received extra checks in a lot of place.

A bit later (blog post update), I added the possibility to trigger the update from the user.

Bento git project repository

Listening to socket

With systemd it's possible to trigger a command upon connecting on a socket, I made bento systemd service to listen on port TCP/51337, a connection would start the service "bento-update.service", and display the output to the TCP client.

This totally works in the web browser, it's now possible to create a bookmark that just starts the update and give instant feedback about the update process. This will be particularly useful in case of a debug phone session to ask the remote person to trigger an update on their side instead of waiting for a timer.

Status display demo

It is now possible to differenciate the "not up to date" state into two categories:

The "sync pending" is very fast, it only need to copy the files, but won't rebuild anything.

   machine   local version   remote version              state                                     time
   -------       ---------      -----------      -------------                                     ----
  kikimora        996vw3r6      996vw3r6 πŸ’š    sync pending 🚩       (build 5m 53s) (new config 2m 48s)
       nas        r7ips2c6      lvbajpc5 πŸ›‘ rebuild pending 🚩       (build 5m 49s) (new config 1m 45s)
      t470        ih7vxijm      ih7vxijm πŸ’š      up to date πŸ’š                           (build 2m 24s)
        x1        fcz1s2yp      fcz1s2yp πŸ’š      up to date πŸ’š                           (build 2m 37s)