Diary of an Unemployed Citizen 001


As I continue my tenure as an unemployed citizen, yet another temporary assignment finds its way across my bureau: a Seasoned Support Driver for the United Parcel Service.

Though boasting the centurion UPS logo, I, personally, would not be allowed to drive a Brown Truck, don a Brown Uniform, or see a single ~~Brown~~ Union Cent.[^1]

Instead, in return for proving my ownership of a state driver's license, a vehicle in working condition, and a measurable pulse, I was soon to be allowed to help my Brown Friend with their Holiday Shopping for $23 an hour before state and federal taxes.

After hurrying up to wait for about two weeks, I am told Orientation is to be in the AM. Eleven hundred hours sharp. What this endeavour entails is beyond me, but I foresee a learning opportunity wrapped neatly in an adventure.

I pray I recall these optimistic sentiments in the coming days.


[^1]: The numerous agreements, fought endlessly by the Teamsters Unions as of 2023 can be found [here](tab:https://teamster.org/ups-agreements-2023-2028/).