diff --git a/scripts/.local/bin/bemenu_run_history b/scripts/.local/bin/bemenu_run_history

new file mode 100755

index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a33c099870ba99a39b4187b72986658b7a4e1ff6

--- /dev/null

+++ b/scripts/.local/bin/bemenu_run_history

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@




+if [ -d "$cachedir" ]; then

+ cache=$cachedir/bemenu_run

+ historyfile=$cachedir/dmenu_history

+else # if no xdg dir, fall back to dotfiles in ~

+ cache=$HOME/.dmenu_cache

+ historyfile=$HOME/.dmenu_history




+if stest -dqr -n "$cache" $PATH; then

+ stest -flx $PATH | sort -u > "$cache"


+unset IFS


+awk -v histfile=$historyfile '


+ while( (getline < histfile) > 0 ) {

+ sub("^[0-9]+\t","")

+ print

+ x[$0]=1

+ }

+ } !x[$0]++ ' "$cache" \

+ | bemenu -i -l 5 -n -m -1 --fn "hack 12px" --tb=#222222 --tf=#f2f2f2 --fb=#2f2f2f --ff=#f2f2f2 --hb=#222222 --hf=#035efc -p "" -P """$@" \

+ | awk -v histfile=$historyfile '


+ FS=OFS="\t"

+ while ( (getline < histfile) > 0 ) {

+ count=$1

+ sub("^[0-9]+\t","")

+ fname=$0

+ history[fname]=count

+ }

+ close(histfile)

+ }


+ {

+ history[$0]++

+ print

+ }


+ END {

+ if(!NR) exit

+ for (f in history)

+ print history[f],f | "sort -t '\t' -k1rn >" histfile

+ }

+ ' \

+ | while read cmd; do ${SHELL:-"/bin/sh"} -c "$cmd" & done

diff --git a/scripts/.local/bin/floating b/scripts/.local/bin/floating

deleted file mode 100755

index 1f3b8a8c0a3f346100de74aeb672745326ee2216..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

--- a/scripts/.local/bin/floating

+++ /dev/null

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@



-$@ &



-swaymsg -t subscribe -m '[ "window" ]' \

- | jq --unbuffered --argjson pid "$pid" '.container | select(.pid == $pid) | .id' \

- | xargs -I '@' -- swaymsg '[ con_id=@ ] floating enable' &




-echo Going into wait state


-# Wait for our process to close

-tail --pid=$pid -f /dev/null


-echo Killing subscription

-kill $subscription

diff --git a/scripts/.local/bin/nospotify b/scripts/.local/bin/nospotify

new file mode 100755

index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..766daa285d01bf315d47a00402040436d02307db

--- /dev/null

+++ b/scripts/.local/bin/nospotify

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@



+firejail --net=none spotify

diff --git a/scripts/.local/bin/sn b/scripts/.local/bin/sn

deleted file mode 100755

index 5e703dd2ec8891fbfc58f49d3b08035dcd683c43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

--- a/scripts/.local/bin/sn

+++ /dev/null

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@



-setsid -f firejail --net=none spotify

diff --git a/scripts/.local/bin/sway-launcher-desktop.sh b/scripts/.local/bin/sway-launcher-desktop.sh

deleted file mode 100755

index 6da01011775d9b4b846b327082a299a2a3397cd7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

--- a/scripts/.local/bin/sway-launcher-desktop.sh

+++ /dev/null

@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@

-#!/usr/bin/env bash

-# terminal application launcher for sway, using fzf

-# Based on: https://gitlab.com/FlyingWombat/my-scripts/blob/master/sway-launcher

-# https://gist.github.com/Biont/40ef59652acf3673520c7a03c9f22d2a

-shopt -s nullglob globstar

-set -o pipefail

-if ! { exec 0>&3; } 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then

- exec 3>/dev/null # If file descriptor 3 is unused in parent shell, output to /dev/null


-# shellcheck disable=SC2154

-trap 's=$?; echo "$0: Error on line "$LINENO": $BASH_COMMAND"; exit $s' ERR

-IFS= \n\t'

-DEL= \34'







-if [[ "${PROVIDERS_FILE#/}" == "${PROVIDERS_FILE}" ]]; then

- # $PROVIDERS_FILE is a relative path, prepend $CONFIG_DIR




-# Provider config entries are separated by the field separator \034 and have the following structure:

-# list_cmd,preview_cmd,launch_cmd

-declare -A PROVIDERS

-if [ -f "${PROVIDERS_FILE}" ]; then

- eval "$(awk -F= '

- BEGINFILE{ provider=""; }

- /^\[.*\]/{sub("^\\[", "");sub("\\]$", "");provider=$0}

- /^(launch|list|preview)_cmd/{st = index($0,"=");providers[provider][$1] = substr($0,st+1)}


- for (key in providers){

- if(!("list_cmd" in providers[key])){continue;}

- if(!("launch_cmd" in providers[key])){continue;}

- if(!("preview_cmd" in providers[key])){continue;}

- for (entry in providers[key]){

- gsub(/[\x27,\047]/,"\x27\"\x27\"\x27", providers[key][entry])

- }

- print "PROVIDERS[\x27" key "\x27]=\x27" providers[key]["list_cmd"] "\034" providers[key]["preview_cmd"] "\034" providers[key]["launch_cmd"] "\x27\n"

- }

- }' "${PROVIDERS_FILE}")"

- if [[ ! -v HIST_FILE ]]; then

- HIST_FILE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/${0##*/}-${PROVIDERS_FILE##*/}-history.txt"

- fi


- PROVIDERS['desktop']="${0} list-entries${DEL}${0} describe-desktop \"{1}\"${DEL}${0} run-desktop '{1}' {2}"

- PROVIDERS['command']="${0} list-commands${DEL}${0} describe-command \"{1}\"${DEL}${TERMINAL_COMMAND} {1}"

- if [[ ! -v HIST_FILE ]]; then

- HIST_FILE="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/${0##*/}-history.txt"

- fi


-PROVIDERS['user']="exit${DEL}exit${DEL}{1}" # Fallback provider that simply executes the exact command if there were no matches


-if [[ -n "${HIST_FILE}" ]]; then

- mkdir -p "${HIST_FILE%/*}" && touch "$HIST_FILE"

- readarray HIST_LINES <"$HIST_FILE"



-function describe() {

- # shellcheck disable=SC2086

- readarray -d ${DEL} -t PROVIDER_ARGS <<<${PROVIDERS[${1}]}

- # shellcheck disable=SC2086

- [ -n "${PROVIDER_ARGS[1]}" ] && eval "${PROVIDER_ARGS[1]//\{1\}/${2}}"


-function describe-desktop() {

- description=$(sed -ne '/^Comment=/{s/^Comment=//;p;q}' "$1")

- echo -e "\033[33m$(sed -ne '/^Name=/{s/^Name=//;p;q}' "$1")\033[0m"

- echo "${description:-No description}"


-function describe-command() {

- readarray arr < <(whatis -l "$1" 2>/dev/null)

- description="${arr[0]}"

- description="${description#* - }"

- echo -e "\033[33m${1}\033[0m"

- echo "${description:-No description}"



-function provide() {

- # shellcheck disable=SC2086

- readarray -d ${DEL} -t PROVIDER_ARGS <<<${PROVIDERS[$1]}

- eval "${PROVIDER_ARGS[0]}"


-function list-commands() {

- IFS=: read -ra path <<<"$PATH"

- for dir in "${path[@]}"; do

- printf '%s\n' "$dir/"* |

- awk -F / -v pre="$GLYPH_COMMAND" '{print $NF "\034command\034\033[31m" pre "\033[0m" $NF;}'

- done | sort -u


-function list-entries() {

- # Get locations of desktop application folders according to spec

- # https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html

- IFS=':' read -ra DIRS <<<"${XDG_DATA_HOME-${HOME}/.local/share}:${XDG_DATA_DIRS-/usr/local/share:/usr/share}"

- for i in "${!DIRS[@]}"; do

- if [[ ! -d "${DIRS[i]}" ]]; then

- unset -v 'DIRS[$i]'

- else

- DIRS[$i]="${DIRS[i]}/applications/**/*.desktop"

- fi

- done

- # shellcheck disable=SC2068

- entries ${DIRS[@]}


-function entries() {

- # shellcheck disable=SC2068

- awk -v pre="$GLYPH_DESKTOP" -F= '

- function desktopFileID(filename){

- sub("^.*applications/", "", filename);

- sub("/", "-", filename);

- return filename

- }


- application=0;

- block="";

- a=0


- id=desktopFileID(FILENAME)

- if(id in fileIds){

- nextfile;

- }else{

- fileIds[id]=0

- }

- }

- /^\[Desktop Entry\]/{block="entry"}

- /^Type=Application/{application=1}

- /^\[Desktop Action/{

- sub("^\\[Desktop Action ", "");

- sub("\\]$", "");

- block="action";

- a++;

- actions[a,"key"]=$0

- }

- /^\[X-/{

- sub("^\\[X-", "");

- sub("\\]$", "");

- block="action";

- a++;

- actions[a,"key"]=$0

- }

- /^Name=/{ (block=="action")? actions[a,"name"]=$2 : name=$2 }


- if (application){

- print FILENAME "\034desktop\034\033[33m" pre name "\033[0m";

- if (a>0)

- for (i=1; i<=a; i++)

- print FILENAME "\034desktop\034\033[33m" pre name "\033[0m (" actions[i, "name"] ")\034" actions[i, "key"]

- }

- }' \

- $@ </dev/null

- # the empty stdin is needed in case no *.desktop files


-function run-desktop() {

- CMD="$("${0}" generate-command "$@" 2>&3)"

- echo "Generated Launch command from .desktop file: ${CMD}" >&3

- bash -c "${CMD}"


-function generate-command() {

- # Define the search pattern that specifies the block to search for within the .desktop file

- PATTERN="^\\\\[Desktop Entry\\\\]"

- if [[ -n $2 ]]; then

- PATTERN="^\\\\[Desktop Action ${2}\\\\]"

- fi

- echo "Searching for pattern: ${PATTERN}" >&3

- # 1. We see a line starting [Desktop, but we're already searching: deactivate search again

- # 2. We see the specified pattern: start search

- # 3. We see an Exec= line during search: remove field codes and set variable

- # 3. We see a Path= line during search: set variable

- # 4. Finally, build command line

- awk -v pattern="${PATTERN}" -v terminal_cmd="${TERMINAL_COMMAND}" -F= '

- BEGIN{a=0;exec=0;path=0}

- /^\[Desktop/{

- if(a){ a=0 }

- }

- $0 ~ pattern{ a=1 }

- /^Terminal=/{

- sub("^Terminal=", "");

- if ($0 == "true") { terminal=1 }

- }

- /^Exec=/{

- if(a && !exec){

- sub("^Exec=", "");

- gsub(" ?%[cDdFfikmNnUuv]", "");

- exec=$0;

- }

- }

- /^Path=/{

- if(a && !path){ path=$2 }

- }

- END{

- if(path){ printf "cd " path " && " }

- if (terminal){ printf terminal_cmd " " }

- print exec

- }' "$1"



-function autostart() {

- for application in $(list-autostart); do

- (exec setsid /bin/sh -c "$(run-desktop "${application}")" &>/dev/null &)

- done



-function list-autostart() {

- # Get locations of desktop application folders according to spec

- # https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html

- IFS=':' read -ra DIRS <<<"${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-${HOME}/.config}:${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS-/etc/xdg}"

- for i in "${!DIRS[@]}"; do

- if [[ ! -d "${DIRS[i]}" ]]; then

- unset -v 'DIRS[$i]'

- else

- DIRS[$i]="${DIRS[i]}/autostart/*.desktop"

- fi

- done


- # shellcheck disable=SC2068

- awk -v pre="$GLYPH_DESKTOP" -F= '

- function desktopFileID(filename){

- sub("^.*autostart/", "", filename);

- sub("/", "-", filename);

- return filename

- }


- application=0;

- block="";

- a=0


- id=desktopFileID(FILENAME)

- if(id in fileIds){

- nextfile;

- }else{

- fileIds[id]=0

- }

- }

- /^\[Desktop Entry\]/{block="entry"}

- /^Type=Application/{application=1}

- /^Name=/{ iname=$2 }


- if (application){

- print FILENAME;

- }

- }' \

- ${DIRS[@]} </dev/null



-case "$1" in

-describe | describe-desktop | describe-command | entries | list-entries | list-commands | list-autostart | generate-command | autostart | run-desktop | provide)

- "$@"

- exit

- ;;


-echo "Starting launcher instance with the following providers:" "${!PROVIDERS[@]}" >&3


-FZFPIPE=$(mktemp -u)

-mkfifo "$FZFPIPE"

-trap 'rm "$FZFPIPE"' EXIT INT


-# Append Launcher History, removing usage count

-(printf '%s' "${HIST_LINES[@]#* }" >>"$FZFPIPE") &


-# Iterate over providers and run their list-command

-for PROVIDER_NAME in "${!PROVIDERS[@]}"; do

- (bash -c "${0} provide ${PROVIDER_NAME}" >>"$FZFPIPE") &



-readarray -t COMMAND_STR <<<$(

- fzf --ansi +s -x -d '\034' --nth ..3 --with-nth 3 \

- --print-query \

- --preview "$0 describe {2} {1}" \

- --preview-window=up:2:noborder \

- --no-multi --cycle \

- --prompt="${GLYPH_PROMPT-# }" \

- --header='' --no-info --margin='1,2' \

- --color='16,gutter:-1' \


-) || exit 1

-# Get the last line of the fzf output. If there were no matches, it contains the query which we'll treat as a custom command

-# If there were matches, it contains the selected item

-COMMAND_STR=$(printf '%s\n' "${COMMAND_STR[@]: -1}")

-# We still need to format the query to conform to our fallback provider.

-# We check for the presence of field separator character to determine if we're dealing with a custom command

-if [[ $COMMAND_STR != * \034'* ]]; then

- COMMAND_STR="${COMMAND_STR}" \034user\034'"${COMMAND_STR}" \034'

- SKIP_HIST=1 # I chose not to include custom commands in the history. If this is a bad idea, open an issue please



-[ -z "$COMMAND_STR" ] && exit 1


-if [[ -n "${HIST_FILE}" && ! "$SKIP_HIST" ]]; then

- # update history

- for i in "${!HIST_LINES[@]}"; do

- if [[ "${HIST_LINES[i]}" == *" $COMMAND_STR" \n' ]]; then



- match=1

- break

- fi

- done

- if ! ((match)); then


- fi


- printf '%s' "${HIST_LINES[@]}" | sort -nr >"$HIST_FILE"



-# shellcheck disable=SC2086

-readarray -d \034' -t PARAMS <<<${COMMAND_STR}

-# shellcheck disable=SC2086

-readarray -d ${DEL} -t PROVIDER_ARGS <<<${PROVIDERS[${PARAMS[1]}]}

-# Substitute {1}, {2} etc with the correct values





-if [ -t 1 ]; then

- echo "Launching command: ${COMMAND}" >&3

- setsid /bin/sh -c "${COMMAND}" >&/dev/null </dev/null &

- sleep 0.01


- echo "${COMMAND}"


diff --git a/scripts/installutilities.sh b/scripts/installutilities.sh

index 2201c5dbb086d2a4682a4fbda74826877d43f8d0..45311e6936885eeea2426eb06e4fd62c36afb755 100755

--- a/scripts/installutilities.sh

+++ b/scripts/installutilities.sh

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@


-yay -Sy alacritty sway swaylock swaybg swappy slurp swayidle wl-clipboard grim gammastep playerctl fish powertop android-file-transfer qemu virt-manager playonlinux udiskie tree mesa iso-info mediainfo unrar ntfs-3g exfatprogs code breeze-gtk breeze papirus-icon-theme ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono ttf-hack ttf-font-awesome ttf-weather-icons noto-fonts-cjk rsync alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-utils alsa-tools alsa-utils alsa-firmware alsa-card-profiles lib32-alsa-plugins pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-jack fzf php edk2-ovmf firejail youtube-dl light neovim gimp telegram-desktop pcmanfm-gtk3 mpv chromium galculator vifm amfora pulsemixer mako xorg-xwayland imv foxitreader gotop spotify woeusb termdown clipman

+yay -Sy alacritty sway swaylock swaybg swappy slurp swayidle wl-clipboard wlroots grim trash-cli gammastep playerctl fish powertop android-file-transfer qemu virt-manager git playonlinux udiskie tree mesa mediainfo ntfs-3g exfatprogs code breeze-gtk breeze papirus-icon-theme ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono ttf-hack ttf-font-awesome ttf-weather-icons noto-fonts-cjk rsync alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-utils alsa-tools alsa-utils alsa-firmware alsa-card-profiles lib32-alsa-plugins pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-jack fzf php edk2-ovmf firejail youtube-dl light neovim gimp telegram-desktop pcmanfm-gtk3 mpv chromium galculator vifm amfora pulsemixer mako xorg-xwayland mirage foxitreader gotop spotify woeusb termdown