diff --git a/vifm/.config/vifm/scripts/README b/vifm/.config/vifm/scripts/README

index 76949522813a55626f2ffc899ef18500b144e23e..79f44a71184db8d0c8034cd9ef21776f7f25bc3e 100644

--- a/vifm/.config/vifm/scripts/README

+++ b/vifm/.config/vifm/scripts/README

@@ -3,4 +3,8 @@ vifm modifies its PATH environment variable to let user run those

scripts without specifying full path. All subdirectories are added

as well. File in a subdirectory overrules file with the same name

in parent directories. Restart might be needed to recognize files

-in newly created or renamed subdirectories.

\ No newline at end of file

+in newly created or renamed subdirectories.


+" This copy file to clipboard in wayland



diff --git a/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc b/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc

index 7891fbf54b26bccd3dd3658f117cefead1357a55..ed1ad061f76fd4c2c6ed70a755e98f7264a09ffd 100644

--- a/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc

+++ b/vifm/.config/vifm/vifmrc

@@ -1,34 +1,10 @@

-" vim: filetype=vifm :

-" Sample configuration file for vifm (last updated: 9 September, 2020)

-" You can edit this file by hand.

-" The " character at the beginning of a line comments out the line.

-" Blank lines are ignored.

-" The basic format for each item is shown with an example.


-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


source /home/michal/.config/vifm/favicons.vifm

-" Command used to edit files in various contexts. The default is vim.

-" If you would like to use another vi clone such as Elvis or Vile

-" you will need to change this setting.

set vicmd=nvim

-" set vicmd=elvis\ -G\ termcap

-" set vicmd=vile


-" This makes vifm perform file operations on its own instead of relying on

-" standard utilities like `cp`. While using `cp` and alike is a more universal

-" solution, it's also much slower when processing large amounts of files and

-" doesn't support progress measuring.

set syscalls

-" Trash Directory

-" The default is to move files that are deleted with dd or :d to

-" the trash directory. If you change this you will not be able to move

-" files by deleting them and then using p to put the file in the new location.

-" I recommend not changing this until you are familiar with vifm.

-" This probably shouldn't be an option.


set trash

" This is how many directories to store in the directory history.

@@ -52,53 +28,25 @@ " Maximum number of changes that can be undone.

set undolevels=100

-" Use Vim's format of help file (has highlighting and "hyperlinks").

-" If you would rather use a plain text help file set novimhelp.


set vimhelp

-" If you would like to run an executable file when you

-" press Enter, l or Right Arrow, set this.


set norunexec

-" List of color schemes to try (picks the first one supported by the terminal)


colorscheme gruvbox

-" Format for displaying time in file list. For example:


-" See man date or man strftime for details.


-set timefmt=%m/%d\ %H:%M


-" Show list of matches on tab completion in command-line mode

+set timefmt=%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M

set wildmenu

-" Display completions in a form of popup with descriptions of the matches


-set wildstyle=popup


-" Display suggestions in normal, visual and view modes for keys, marks and

-" registers (at most 5 files). In other view, when available.

+set wildstyle=bar

set suggestoptions=normal,visual,view,otherpane,keys,marks,registers

-" Ignore case in search patterns unless it contains at least one uppercase

-" letter


set ignorecase

-set smartcase


-" Don't highlight search results automatically

set hlsearch

-" Use increment searching (search while typing)

set incsearch


-" Try to leave some space from cursor to upper/lower border in lists

set scrolloff=4

@@ -108,9 +56,7 @@ if !has('win')

set slowfs=curlftpfs


-" Set custom status line look


-set statusline=" Hint: %z%= %A %10u:%-7g %15s %20d "

+set statusline=" %s %T%= %A %8u:%-7g Free Space:%a %20d "

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -144,32 +90,6 @@ command! reload :write | restart full

command! wlcopy wl-copy < %f

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-" The file type is for the default programs to be used with

-" a file extension.

-" :filetype pattern1,pattern2 defaultprogram,program2

-" :fileviewer pattern1,pattern2 consoleviewer

-" The other programs for the file type can be accessed with the :file command

-" The command macros like %f, %F, %d, %D may be used in the commands.

-" The %a macro is ignored. To use a % you must put %%.


-" For automated FUSE mounts, you must register an extension with :file[x]type

-" in one of following formats:


-" :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT|some_mount_command using %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR variables

-" %SOURCE_FILE and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime.

-" A sample line might look like this:

-" :filetype *.zip,*.jar,*.war,*.ear FUSE_MOUNT|fuse-zip %SOURCE_FILE %DESTINATION_DIR


-" :filetype extensions FUSE_MOUNT2|some_mount_command using %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR variables

-" %PARAM and %DESTINATION_DIR are filled in by vifm at runtime.

-" A sample line might look like this:

-" :filetype *.ssh FUSE_MOUNT2|sshfs %PARAM %DESTINATION_DIR

-" %PARAM value is filled from the first line of file (whole line).

-" Example first line for SshMount filetype: root@


-" You can also add %CLEAR if you want to clear screen before running FUSE

-" program.


" Pdf

filextype {*.pdf},<application/pdf> foxitreader

fileviewer {*.pdf},<application/pdf> pdftotext -nopgbrk %c -

@@ -351,8 +271,6 @@ filextype *.pro qtcreator %f &

" Directories

filextype */

- \ {View in thunar}

- \ Thunar %f &,

" Syntax highlighting in preview


@@ -373,18 +291,6 @@ " Displaying pictures in terminal


" fileviewer *.jpg,*.png shellpic %c

-" Open all other files with default system programs (you can also remove all

-" :file[x]type commands above to ensure they don't interfere with system-wide

-" settings). By default all unknown files are opened with 'vi[x]cmd'

-" uncommenting one of lines below will result in ignoring 'vi[x]cmd' option

-" for unknown file types.

-" For *nix:

-" filetype * xdg-open

-" For OS X:

-" filetype * open

-" For Windows:

-" filetype * start, explorer


" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

" What should be saved automatically between vifm sessions. Drop "savedirs"

@@ -393,19 +299,6 @@ set vifminfo=dhistory,savedirs,chistory,state,tui,shistory,


" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-" Examples of configuring both panels


-" Customize view columns a bit (enable ellipsis for truncated file names)


-" set viewcolumns=-{name}..,6{}.


-" Filter-out build and temporary files


-" filter! {*.lo,*.o,*.d,*.class,*.pyc,*.pyo,.*~}


-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


" Sample mappings

" Start shell in current directory

@@ -418,36 +311,16 @@ " Toggle visibility of preview window

nnoremap w :view<cr>

vnoremap w :view<cr>gv

-" Open file in existing instance of gvim

+" Open file in existing instance of nvim

nnoremap o :!nvim %f<cr>

-" Open file in new instance of gvim


+" Open file in new instance of nvim

nnoremap O :!nvim %f<cr>

" Open file in the background using its default program

nnoremap gb :file &<cr>l

-" Interaction with system clipboard

-if has('win')

- " Yank current directory path to Windows clipboard with forward slashes

- nnoremap yp :!echo %"d:gs!\!/! %i | clip<cr>

- " Yank path to current file to Windows clipboard with forward slashes

- nnoremap yf :!echo %"c:gs!\!/! %i | clip<cr>

-elseif executable('xclip')

- " Yank current directory path into the clipboard

- nnoremap yd :!echo %d | xclip %i<cr>

- " Yank current file path into the clipboard

- nnoremap yf :!echo %c:p | xclip %i<cr>

-elseif executable('xsel')

- " Yank current directory path into primary and selection clipboards

- nnoremap yd :!echo -n %d | xsel --input --primary %i &&

- \ echo -n %d | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr>

- " Yank current file path into into primary and selection clipboards

- nnoremap yf :!echo -n %c:p | xsel --input --primary %i &&

- \ echo -n %c:p | xsel --clipboard --input %i<cr>



" Mappings for faster renaming

-nnoremap I cw<c-a>

nnoremap cc cw<c-u>

nnoremap A cw

@@ -456,8 +329,6 @@ nnoremap ,t :!alacritty &<cr>

" Open editor to edit vifmrc and apply settings after returning to vifm

nnoremap ,c :write | edit $MYVIFMRC | restart full<cr>

-" Open gvim to edit vifmrc

-nnoremap ,C :!gvim --remote-tab-silent $MYVIFMRC &<cr>

" Toggle wrap setting on ,w key

nnoremap ,w :set wrap!<cr>

@@ -470,35 +341,5 @@ nnoremap <f6> :move<cr>

nnoremap <f7> :mkdir<space>

nnoremap <f8> :delete<cr>

-" Midnight commander alike mappings

-" Open current directory in the other pane

-nnoremap <a-i> :sync<cr>

-" Open directory under cursor in the other pane

-nnoremap <a-o> :sync %c<cr>

-" Swap panes

-nnoremap <c-u> <c-w>x


" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-" Various customization examples


-" Use ag (the silver searcher) instead of grep


-" set grepprg='ag --line-numbers %i %a %s'


-" Add additional place to look for executables


-" let $PATH = $HOME.'/bin/fuse:'.$PATH


-" Block particular shortcut


-" nnoremap <left> <nop>


-" Export IPC name of current instance as environment variable and use it to

-" communicate with the instance later.


-" It can be used in some shell script that gets run from inside vifm, for

-" example, like this:

-" vifm --server-name "$VIFM_SERVER_NAME" --remote +"cd '$PWD'"


-" let $VIFM_SERVER_NAME = v:servername