So, this site is made thanks to and haunt, I used Org-Mode exported to HTML hosted on GitHub for the longest time, both of these changes will eventually become posts, but for now, this seemed like a nice little setup.
Half the reason is just this wholesome little assortment of Haunted Blogs that I’ve been reading through, all of them look way prettier than mine though, so that’s something to look forward to.
I already used all the basic, readers, this is in markdown, since there’s not really a reason for anything else, well, there’s a reason for Org-mode, but that’s not out-of-the-box supported, which is kinda funny since, scheme, emacs and obscure blog people, seem to me to usually be the same people.
HTML is for the simple, stuff like just a redirect, I really like what other people make and having an assortment of cool projects is a neat thing even for my own use.
And lastly one post in skribe, because, fun-fact pure CommonMark MarkDown does not support tables, and I don’t really enjoy writing those in plain HTML.
So thanks to the beauty of Skribe (which is basically Scheme so far, haven’t encountered anything that wasn’t supported), I could whip up this little dohickey that makes it for me.
(define (mk-tbl xss) `(table (tr ,(map (λ (i) `(th ,i)) (car xss))) ,(map (λ (i) `(tr ,i)) (map (λ (i) (map (λ (x) `(td ,x)) i)) (drop xss 1)))))
Excuse the bad code, but at least it works and I can just.. scheme (mk-tbl `(("Head" "Head 2") ("More" "lorem")))
I also, experimented with a for loop, that turned youtube Video Codes into iframes, I literally gasped in excitement, when that worked. Mainly it made the code way way more readable and sensible, since the embed is about ¾ of a screen of text and the code is just 11 (really? 11? what an odd number) characters long. So looping over that is quick and elegant.