Time-stamp: <2021-03-21 15:9>

«I hate him for dying before he could write more books»

«I think you're wrong. It's not an insane serial killer who read his Bible wrong. It's just a common or garden bastard who hates women.» [Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, end of chapter 20]

The quote resonated with me; I wrote it down because it reminded me of the U.S domestic terrorist who killed eight people at massage parlours, almost all of them women. These are their names:

Turns out the quote is also the essence of the book. Larsson's original title was «Men Who Hate Women» («Män som hatar kvinnor»). I asked my wife (she who came to live with me bringing a kitchen knife, a cast iron skillet, and a thousand books) what she thought of Larsson as author. «I hate him for dying before he could write more books», she said. I get it. It's the first book in a long time that I could not put aside. The world needs more books like his. And it needs to stop making excuses for common bastards.


✍ Wolfgang Mederle CC BY-SA 4.0

✉ <madearl@mailbox.org>

language: EN

date: 2021-03-19 14:42

tags: books feminism