Daily Digest for December 28th

│                      │                                                       │
│ blog (feed #1)       │ kg4vma published Daily Digest for December 27th.      │
│ twitter (feed #2)[1] │ kg4vma The snow is beautiful... [kg4vma[2]].          │
│ twitter (feed #2)[3] │ kg4vma I miss my old discman. [kg4vma[4]].            │
│ twitter (feed #2)[5] │ kg4vma @tababy012204[6] yep. Need to take the time to │
│                      │ rip 'em and save to the ipod. [kg4vma[7]].            │
│                      │ kg4vma @tababy012204[9] one cool thing about          │
│ twitter (feed #2)[8] │ listening using the cd: a few portable cd players     │
│                      │ (like the one I'm using) are louder than ipods.       │
│                      │ [kg4vma[10]].                                         │

Tags: #lifestream

1: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7102751997

2: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7102751997

3: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7109604139

4: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7109604139

5: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7109811410

6: http://www.twitter.com/tababy012204

7: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7109811410

8: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7110218957

9: http://www.twitter.com/tababy012204

10: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/7110218957

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Daily Digest for December 28th – J. Palmer

[…] “Daily Digest for December 28th” was originally published at http://kg4vma.duckdns.org[1] […]

1: http://kg4vma.duckdns.org

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