Daily Digest for December 9th

│                      │                                                       │
│                      │ kg4vma If you hadn't heard, my grandmother passed on  │
│ twitter (feed #2)[1] │ Fri. Funeral services were a few short minutes ago.   │
│                      │ The tears finally came then. [kg4vma[2]].             │
│                      │ kg4vma Some may find this funny others distasteful: I │
│ twitter (feed #2)[3] │ cried harder and laughed when I got back to the car.  │
│                      │ On the radio was Styx - Come Sail Away. [kg4vma[4]].  │
│ twitter (feed #2)[5] │ kg4vma Just ate for the first time in 24 hours. Feel  │
│                      │ sick again. [kg4vma[6]].                              │
│ twitter (feed #2)[7] │ kg4vma not every day you glance at the wife's screen  │
│                      │ and see playboy plus... [kg4vma[8]].                  │

Tags: #lifestream

1: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6504033304

2: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6504033304

3: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6504192728

4: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6504192728

5: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6510718502

6: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6510718502

7: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6516756388

8: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6516756388

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Daily Digest for December 9th – J. Palmer

[…] “Daily Digest for December 9th” was originally published on J. Palmer […]

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