Daily Digest for November 30th

│                      │                                                       │
│ twitter (feed #2)[1] │ kg4vma $20 fake dollars to the first person to guess  │
│                      │ who's cleaning and who's sleeping. [kg4vma[2]].       │
│ lastfm (feed #9)[3]  │ kg4vma listened to 11[4] songs.* Nirvana – All        │
│                      │ Apologies[5]                                          │

| | twitter (feed #2)[16] | kg4vma Had two days off with @tababy012204[17]. Spent maybe 8/48 hours thus far (excluding sleep) [kg4vma[18]]. | | twitter (feed #2)[19] | kg4vma Questioning going back to school at all. Why study to repair the machines I've learned to hate in my personal life? [kg4vma[20]]. |

1: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6208405215

2: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6208405215

3: https://web.archive.org/web/20150624013023/http://www.last.fm:80/user/kg4vma

4: http://kg4vma.duckdns.org/2009/11/30/daily-digest-for-november-30th/

5: http://www.last.fm/music/Nirvana/_/All+Apologies

6: http://www.last.fm/music/Guns+N%27+Roses/_/Sweet+Child+O%27+Mine

7: http://www.last.fm/music/Nine+Inch+Nails/_/Every+Day+Is+Exactly+The+Same

8: http://www.last.fm/music/The+B-52%27s/_/Roam

9: http://www.last.fm/music/Poe/_/Hey+Pretty

10: http://www.last.fm/music/Finger+Eleven/_/Paralyzer

11: http://www.last.fm/music/Collective+Soul/_/December

12: http://www.last.fm/music/Ko%D0%AFn/_/Freak+On+A+Leash+%28Freakin%27+B+Mix%29

13: http://www.last.fm/music/System+of+a+Down/_/Hypnotize

14: http://www.last.fm/music/Guns+N%27+Roses/_/Welcome+To+The+Jungle

15: http://www.last.fm/music/Pearl+Jam/_/Daughter

16: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6214823306

17: http://www.twitter.com/tababy012204

18: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6214823306

19: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6219056653

20: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/6219056653

Tags: #lifestream

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Daily Digest for November 30th – J. Palmer

[…] “Daily Digest for November 30th” was originally published on J. Palmer […]

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