Daily Digest for October 29th

│                      │                                                       │
│                      │ kg4vma I wish someone @HCSchools[2] would light a     │
│ twitter (feed #2)[1] │ fire under my son's teacher's fanny and get her to    │
│                      │ post more often on her blog. [kg4vma[3]].             │
│                      │ kg4vma That's it! I figured out my halloween costume! │
│ twitter (feed #2)[4] │ I'll run 'round nekkid and go as sasquatch!           │
│                      │ [kg4vma[5]].                                          │

Tags: #lifestream

1: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5240733527

2: http://www.twitter.com/HCSchools

3: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5240733527

4: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5241433708

5: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5241433708

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Daily Digest for October 29th – J. Palmer

[…] “Daily Digest for October 29th” was originally published on J. Palmer […]

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