Daily Digest for October 20th

│                      │                                                       │
│ lastfm (feed #9)[1]  │ kg4vma listened to Snow White Queen - Evanescence[2]. │
│ twitter (feed #2)[3] │ kg4vma @tanzmitpalmer[4] car's muffler, I hope you    │
│                      │ meant... [kg4vma[5]].                                 │
│                      │ kg4vma RT @THErealDVORAK[7]: Yes they are serious     │
│ twitter (feed #2)[6] │ about the Hadron Collider being somehow sabotaged by  │
│                      │ some entity from the future http://bit.ly/B5KrA[8]    │
│                      │ [kg4vma[9]].                                          │

Tags: #lifestream

1: http://www.last.fm/music/Evanescence/_/Snow+White+Queen

2: http://www.last.fm/music/Evanescence/_/Snow+White+Queen

3: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5001836151

4: http://www.twitter.com/tanzmitpalmer

5: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5001836151

6: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5006126981

7: http://www.twitter.com/THErealDVORAK

8: http://bit.ly/B5KrA

9: http://twitter.com/kg4vma/statuses/5006126981

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Daily Digest for October 20th – J. Palmer

[…] “Daily Digest for October 20th” was originally published at http://kg4vma.duckdns.org[1] […]

1: http://kg4vma.duckdns.org

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