Have you heard the story on Cynthiana's new city commission? Well, the long story is at The Cynthiana Democrat. The short story is as follows: Mayor Jim Brown is temporarily out of commission (pun half-intended). Brown fell ill on Christmas Eve. The old commission selected Jack Keith as Mayor Pro-tem. In a special meeting of the new commission all hell broke loose. Commissioner Mark Mattmiller claimed he should now take the seat. Commissioner Amanda Moore agreed. Commisioner Keith says he should stay as mayor pro-tem. Commissioner Jimmy New agreed. Cynthiana only has four commisioners, with the Mayor breaking split decisions. Oh. Crap. The argument comes from trying to figure out which is more important, tradition or experience. Tradition would give the spot to Mattmiller. Experience would give it to Keith. Oh. Crap. Keith's been a commissioner for some time, knows the twists and turns of the city, and has legal experience from his days as Commonwealth Attorney. Mattmiller received the most votes in November. Oh. Crap. So, where does this leave us? In limbo! The commission left said meeting dead-locked and hopes to resolve things come the first regular meeting on January 13th. What I find really amusing about the whole thing are Mattmiller's views. He suggests that his and Moore's presence in the commission suggest that Cynthiana wanted change. Cynthiana doesn't want the "experience"--she wants "change", and where Mattmiller was the bigger "vote getter" he must be the main changing force in the commission. (Still following me? Ok, good.) So, based on Mattmiller being the vote getter, we should follow "tradition" and allow him to be Mayor Pro-tem. Change! Tradition! Yep. Looks like we selected a winner. I so want my vote back.
Tags: #randomness
[…] “tradition, change, and whose is bigger” was originally published on J. Palmer […]