trying to get back into the swing

I really haven't been writing a whole lot of anything in a very long time, and it really irritates me. I would love to jump right back into sharing everything I feel, think and do; but for some reason, I am finding it rather difficult. I wish I knew why. Fortunately, over the past few weeks, I have rediscovered the fun of toying around with the blog, and have been half-way forcing myself to spend some time here. Perhaps the biggest thing I've done has been changing the theme of the blog, and editing it to try and suit my needs/likes. This has been a slightly daunting task, as I still don't know much about how wordpress works, or any of the stuff in the background, like css and php. But, I'm learning.

I do hope that I can soon bring this back to where I had it--posts nearly every day. I'd also like to see if I could persuade a few friends to chime in, though I don't see it happening. As an alternative, I'm going to try and start pouring through my IM archives and picking out topics and conversations I've had with people to try and bring about having more than one voice here. I dunno. Maybe something will happen here. Maybenothing will happen, and it'll stay a place where I say something off the wall on occasion. I just hate to see it sit here and do nothing but catch spam comments  after I've tried to do so much with it. sigh Oh, well. If anyone reads this and has any sort of input, feel free to say something. Until tomorrow...

Tags: #randomness

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trying to get back into the swing – J. Palmer

[…] “trying to get back into the swing” was originally published at[1] […]


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