I tuned in to this morning's Coffeebreak a tad bit late this morning, and was awarded with a nice surprise. I had expected the usual banter of "this morning, I'd like to talk about," when i turned the dial. Instead, I hear Rick nearly bite Chris' head off. I'm not sure if it was Chris readying a call, or cuing the music for the commercial outro, but Rick snapped with a "could you please stop that for a minute," asking to continue the rant he already had in progress, without interruption. Ahh... so it's one of those days...
This morning's show revolved around Rick being completely fed up with the matters related to recreation and our community's un-involvement in trying to keep our children unharmed and out of trouble. I'm not quite sure what caused his anger and frustration to blow this morning, though I believe that a portion of it involves a Recreation Department meeting he attended yesterday. Very lightly he had mentioned speaking with the director (I hadn't even known that one had been found and that his interim stay was over) and hearing complaints of things not being done/moving forward/what-have-you for various reasons. The conversation Rick had with us on the radio this morning led to the announcement of a "civic" fund being established to get things moving. This isn't the first time that Mr. Chasteen has headed a fund to do work at the "new park". Approximately five years ago (has it really been that long?) he raised money to erect a pole and flag atop the hill, near the old house. Cynthiana and Harrison County had been a buzz with excitement when that project went through. Since then, what do we have? Our own little "bridge to nowhere" which serves as the entrance to a field with a walking trail and a locked concession stand/restroom facility. (And don't forget the parking lot which is currently underway. A lot which will most likely stir up more controversy when Harrison County hands Cynthiana their portion of the bill.) Eh, but who knows. Maybe this new spirit Rick's trying to stir up will do something. Maybe we can finally go forward with the park. Maybe the community can finally provide for itself. Maybe. But I'll be strongly surprised. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way"[1] was a phrase Rick used a few times on this morning's show. If you are tired of the problems, do something about it. Become the head of the movement, or at least support it as best you can; otherwise, step to the side as your actions are merely a hindrance. It's my belief that most of our citizenry would rather "get out of the way" and "step aside". What's worse is that on occasion I, too, join those ranks. (More on that in a forthcoming post.) My question is, are there still enough people in the community who care? There was a great number of citizens who participated in the "Tomorrow" surveys and are amongst the varying "Tomorrow" sub-committees. There are also a few other newly-born civic groups desiring change and pledging themselves to make a better safer community and environment. But, really, is that enough? We know that there are a few who care. What of the rest of us? What is keeping the rest of us from actually giving a damn? Is it that we are too busy? I find this to be one of my most frequent excuses (again, more later). Is it that we are selfish and desire to see the personal benefit? (not one of my excuses) Is it that we have grown so accustomed to not seeing anything happen; therefore why bother to join the fight? (not one of my excuses, but one i've heard from numerous acquaintances) Actions (or the opposite thereof) relating to those questions are what I see and hear on a regular basis in our community. Surely, I can't be the only one noticing those positions. And if others see what I see, do they find themselves as depressed as I? Maybe that is the real problem. A collective of people who are just so brought down by the outlook of everyone else that they cannot find a course of action. For the sake of the community I hope that I am completely wrong. I hope that there will be a difference made. I hope that the community will prosper.
1: http://www.quotedb.com/quotes/1738
Tags: #coffeebreak, #cynthiana, #news, #opinion, #politics, #thoughts and stuff, #wcyn, #WCYN's Coffeebreak
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