What's Grampy doing with the fire?

It's been some time since I've written anything, and there is much to write about; especially with regard to why I've been quiet as of late. But, for now, there's something I'd like to share, before I lose the ability to reference the story. My dad graced the front page of last week's Cynthiana Democrat, for the umpteenth time. The poor guy has this uncanny ability of being caught in by the camera when responding to a fire or accident scene. My favorite photo of him appeared several years ago, while he and others were battling a fire during the dead heat of summer, out on Wagoner's Chapel Road. In that photograph, Becky Barnes caught him sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree, desperately trying to pull his gear off so that he could cool down. This past week, he was captured by Robin Smiley, standing a few feet away from one of the grassfire trucks, hosing down an area in a treeline on Nature Lane. The image ran with the story of the recently imposed burn ban in Harrison County. The fire that dad responded to took place on the Thursday preceding Judge-Executive Alex Barnett's Monday declaration. When Diana brought home that issue of the Democrat, I glanced at the front page, and smiled when I noticed dad had once more been caught by one of the paper's cameras. I picked the paper up, called Taron over, pointed at the picture, and asked him to come see what Grampy was doing. Taron's response was to ask me, "What's Grampy doing with the fire?" Below is a copy of the image, and the caption that appeared with the photo. The image links (for the time being) to the full story.

The Harrison County Fire District responded to a grass fire at the farm of Mattie Palmer, Nature Lane, last Thursday afternoon. Mike Palmer, Emergency Management director and firefighter, stands among the burnt brush and smoke to extinguish the fire. The fire claimed two out buildings, 10 hay bales and moved to the thicket, destroying approximately five acres. The department was called back to the scene Friday morning where three hay bales rekindled. The cause is believed to have been a cigarette. The department made several trips to the Buena Vista station for water. According to Charles Carson, fire chief, 12,000 gallons of water was used to put the fire out. Five trucks and 16 men responded to the scene. Harrison County Judge-Executive Alex Barnett has since issued a burn ban for Harrison County.

Tags: #randomness

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What's Grampy doing with the fire? – J. Palmer

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