Back in May of this year I set up a WordPress installation here, did a bit of tweaking, and let the whole thing sit while I tried to decide what I wanted to accomplish here. At first I had thought that I might try to create my own version of a news outlet for all things related to my hometown of Cynthiana, KY. Then I thought that maybe I could try and establish a network of Cynthiana bloggers. Instead, I have decided to make this place a personal blog. Sort of.
What I think I am aiming for here is a place where I can share anything and everything that I like or do. I'd also like to allow friends the option of writing here on occasion. I'd guess the first one I'll talk to about this will be my wife, though I doubt if she'll have much to do with any posts here as she hasn't written anything on her LJ in months.
So, I guess I'm declaring this as the new home of my blog. Hooray for me.
Tags: #randomness
[…] “ Coming to Life…” was originally published at[1] […]