sullivan attempts to go green...

Sullivan has imposed a printing policy: Printing Policy

At Sullivan University Lexington, we use over 400,000 sheets of paper each quarter for printing and copying purposes.  Consequently, the faculty and staff are developing plans to conserve paper.  As part of these efforts, we are monitoring the number of pages we use and we are asking students to do the same.  Our goal is to reduce the number of unnecessary print jobs each quarter.

Effective this quarter, students will receive an allotment of 100 copies per quarter.  If you find that your printing needs exceed this number, you can obtain more copies in blocks of 50 through the Bookstore.  The Bookstore is open from 7:30 am – 6:30 pm, Monday through Friday and from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on Saturdays.

To help you monitor your paper usage, each computer is equipped with software that tracks the number of sheets you have printed.  Putting your mouse pointer over the icon, located in the lower right hand of the screen, will show you how many available pages you can print.

Questions about the process of adding copies should be directed to the IT department at or by stopping by the office located on the main level to the left of the lobby. Tags: #randomness, #Sullivan University

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sullivan attempts to go green… – J. Palmer

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