Tips for Staying Healthy During the Flu Season

From the Harrison County Board of Education: Judy Feeback, district nurse, has a few tips for staying healthy during the flu season:

1.  Wash your hands frequently.

2.  Get plenty of rest.

3.  Use tissue to wipe your nose and then throw the tissue away.

4.  Cover your mouth when you cough / cover your nose when you sneeze.

5.  Eat healthy!

Tammy Klapheke, Food Service Director, has a few tips for eating healthy:

1.  Don't skip meals.

2.  Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.  If you don't have fresh fruits and vegetables, then frozen or canned are good substitutes.

3.  An apple tastes just as sweet as candy, but the natural sugar is better for you than the refined sugar in candy.

4.  Try to make half the breads you eat whole grain.

5.  Eat meat that doesn't have a lot of fat in it (lean).

6.  Drink milk everyday!

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Tips for Staying Healthy During the Flu Season – J. Palmer

[…] “Tips for Staying Healthy During the Flu Season” was originally published on J. Palmer […]

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