Index Last Updated: Thu Aug 16 0:31:37 2001
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Most files are available by three methods. The file name link downloads files from the server you are currently on using the HTTP protocol. The HTTP and FTP links following the file name will retrieve the file from the master Trenco archive using the HTTP or FTP protocols, respectively.
Utilities for creating/editing/extracting file archives, compression, ascii encoding, Binary-II wrappers, and related utilities.
This is the base distribution of the most recent version of GNO.
Communications packages, terminal emulators, and non-daemon file transfer utilities.
Packages for cryptography including encryption, decryption, authentication, signing, hashing, and related operations.
These are programs that are run periodically in the background, or asynchronously as required.
This is the majority of the downloadable documentation. For online documentation, see also
Utilities intended for maintaining and viewing documentation, and locating other utilities.
File editors, word processors, document viewers, and similar programs.
Programs to change file attributes, newline conversions, tabbing and detabbing, control character stripping, file format translations.
Programs for changing file attributes or location without modifying the file itself. This includes copy programs, programs to change the file type or auxtype, and so forth.
Games and programs that have been traditionally classified with games, such as text banners, reminder programs, and sound and music players.
Programs for creating, viewing, and manipulating graphics images.
Programs that are intended for use with a graphical user interface rather than the more common GNO text interface.
Programming languages; assemblers, compilers, and interpreters.
These are third-party subroutine libraries.
Mail readers.
Networking utilities.
News readers.
These are patches and updates to the GNO base distribution.
Programs such as calanders, calculators, alarms, et cetera.
Programs to aid in program development.
Programs intended for use in shell scripts. See also the "text.utils" directory.
These are various shells, interpreters, and related programs that work with GNO.
Programs for listening to sound files and music files. For data files, see the main archive hierarchy.
These are general system-related utilities. They include utilities for login, directory manipulation, machine status, and job control.
System administration utilities.
Programs for text manipulation, including search and selection. Often used in shell scripts.