Without a doubt, one of the most exciting developments of the personal computer age has been the creation of the global computer village. Online computer networks now link the world�s diverse populations, making them in essence a single entity. Currently this cultural revolution is accessible only to those with technical computer expertise, developed through thousands of hours of using these complex networks. That is, until now. Netpower shows both the network neophyte and expert how to use all types of computer networks, including bulletin board services, commercial data services, and the Internet, the �network of networks,� which interconnects large computer networks around the globe! Millions of individuals already have access to online computer services using IBM, Macintosh, and other computers. This guide will help those already online to get the most out of the services they use, and those looking to go online with the information they need to get connected, immediately! A computer and modem are all that�s required to get started. The most exciting section of this guide is devoted to the Internet. Netpower includes a primer and tutorial on using the network, information on getting started and navigating with Internet tools, and hundreds of Internet accessible resources with contact information and descriptions. The guide will point you in the direction of hundreds of millions of megabytes of information all yours free for the downloading around Internet! Besides describing hundreds of services and their costs, this informative guide reviews all major networks, including Prodigy, Compuserve, America Online, Dialog, Datastar, AT&T, The WorldClassroom, NewsNet, GTE, and Learning Link, and dozens more. In fact, Netpower includes an America Online starter kit (with disks) and free online time, a free Compuserve account and $15 worth of online credit, and discounts for service on nationally known supersystems such as Delphi, The Well, Portal, and The World. All told, these discounts more than exceed the cost of Netpower! You will also learn how to dial up hundreds of bulletin boards in your area directly with your modem and often without charge. This valuable guide also reviews the largest US and Canadian bulletin board services. And Netpower readers will soon have access to an even more powerful resource: The Netpower Digest! Each month subscribers will get the latest information available about the online world, including network reviews, online service information, and reviews of bulletin board services of interest. A key feature of the Digest will be listings and information on where to find all types of information on Internet! The Digest also includes a tutorial section that will relate to one aspect of the Internet and online systems each month. Those purchasing Netpower get a free copy of the Digest, which begins publication in December 1993. Sponsored by the National Education and Technology Alliance (NETA), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting network use in education, the guide explains how to get an account on the Internet and connect to information services worldwide. With Internet, you can search and download hundreds of megabytes of software, often for free, and browse through the world�s libraries in the comfort of your home or office. You can also communicate with thousands of others who have similar interests, and transfer electronic mail to another computer anywhere in the world in seconds. Netpower, written by technology writer Eric Perrson, a 600-page book, is available directly from Fox Chapel Publishing, Box 7948, Lancaster, PA 17604-7948 for $39.95. Dial 1-800-457-9112 to order toll free in the US and Canada. All major credit cards accepted. AOL buyers can leave direct orders with NetPower1. Internet orders can be sent to NetPower1@aol.com.