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nah, id bolt if I saw a black bear anyway. Just avoid Farmington when sporting the bear costume. You'll wind up tranquilized and left in the middle of the wilderness.

Then again if you're free on time and the edibles aren't kicking in, you know where to go...

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

> Then again if you're free on time and the edibles aren't
> kicking in, you know where to go...

https://write.as/tttlog/ ? :-)

Part of my answering thusly is to mention that I recently noted my write.as account is still active, and that I even managed to remember its password. Then it occurred to me there might be a way to make that blog look and behave in a way more in accord with how I'd want to blog going forward, key aspects including:

- a set of favorite topics represented by individual posts

- an honest attempt to keep those "topic posts" current, so that old thinking/beliefs are flushed when new thinking/beliefs occurs

So, for example, should I have something to say about politics, instead of simply creating a new post, I'd edit the existing post whose title is "Politics" to contain the current state of beliefs/thinking, as well as whatever new tidbits might seem important to me at the time of writing.

Doing things that way addresses recent beliefs about the non and/or negative value (not to mention administrative burden) of past posts, as well as keeping the blog more a genuine "living" document for not continuing to present "dead weight" of the past.

Something like that.