< [[tch tch >>schkt >>[[tch tch]]>>schkt>> ting! the simple joy of typewriting ^¥^
In the name of additional completeness, the screenshots are of a tmux session within the Linux (Debian, I believe) provided by the "Terminal" app available in the Chromebook Playstore. I attempted to take a screenshot of the pop-out (because I have it defaulting to "hidden") app menu, but apparently it's not a screenshot-able (heh... initially typed 'screenshat'...) thingie, so although I had it displayed, it wasn't included in the screenshot I attempted. <shrugs>
There are likely devilish details I'm no longer remembering. I *think* I had to do something like "enable developer mode", and some related yadda yadda. But we're talking half a decade ago, and I can barely remember yesterday as it is. :-)
But, anyway, I've loved the environment, especially the last year or so when I feel I really started nailing making the terminal environment my main(place to)stay.