< ! | \\ ~Why Wait? Choose Your Own Fate! ~// | ! ^¥^



In that moment you realize the acid has kicked in, so does the synesthesia begins.

Car horns, the cries of passing birds, engines revving down the street, all seem to your senses a kaleidoscopic cacophony of brilliant colors, car horns twist in sinuous streams of blue, engine noises crackle and burst into furious red explosions and crackling, slow lava flows. The energetic calls of the birds become concentric rings of violet, piercing one another in long chains of O's.

The cityscape becomes a riotuous rainbowed world of multi-hued sounds, you seemingly float above it, glancing down above, aloft in magenta clouds, the sonic sound of the wind is pulsing purple threads to your eyes.

The whole of the world ebbs and pulses with electric, neon light, dancing furiously like the shades at some spectral disco, each step lighting up another corner of the world below.

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

At my age a so-called "blue light special" belongs in that land/mind scape....