< take that, windows!



So I was left thinking about this last night as I struggled to sleep. It probably requires one to enter some sort of ioctl, a flash drive ought to have at least two ioctls, for reading and writing, probably one more for getting meta information about it (block size, number of blocks, etc). And then, there is probably some additional ioctls I wouldn't know about. Of course I could just go look it up, but I like to think about it first, as you may understand.

Bricking your computer is the best moment to get your hands dirty and mess with the disk! I like to keep a spare usb stick with a linux distro that I know for sure that it works. I used to wipe periodically the disk on my little hackerbook to try different OSes, and the great majority of them wouldn't boot after I installed them, either the kernel panicked, or the grub was misconfigured, or something in the root filesystem was wrong... the possibilities were endless! So I kept a spare usb stick with a "recovery" linux system.

The language is Spanish, you may have heard of it. The word in question is "dedear", literally, "to dd (dee dee)", it can be translated with another standard utility, finger(1).

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~fallenriver wrote:

Yeah, I get why you'd want to think about the thing first. I'm new to Linux in general so I don't really know (yet) how one would go about changing controller-level software. But yeah, I'd guess that those would be the block too. I'm sure there would be other ways to deal with this, but I couldn't find enough information either, let alone how to do it myself in a more "manual" way.

Bricking my computer is nice, but I don't want to play games on it lol. I was trying to make a clean start for windows again after some persistent problems with search indexing and general performance issues. Did the hard reset, then tried to install NixOS, and failed :P Another hard reset was required. Now it's back to normal, maybe I'll try to install some other distro again before leaving town.

Ah, muy bien! I'd try to get every excuse to talk about 'dd'ing a drive too :p