< Writing and the Art of Lonliness ^¥^



some in a similar situation here in Farmington, MO. People come/go from Clubhouse daily, some in tents in the nearby woods (Mark Twain Forest, Shawnee Natl Forest) as it is essentially legal to camp there. They do laundry and get access to other utilities at clubhouse, as well as job training or just a place to do laundry, et al.

If it weren't for a/the clubhouse environment, I would not speak to a single person in this life. I left my siblings and surviving parent up North, as their narcissism and disregard for others doesnt jive with me. STL is full of filthy air and no volunteer opportunities unless I wanted to go to/from Independence Center (I did for a summer) deep into the city. Here, I am a mile from the clubhouse. Walking there and back is like a nature hike. As hundreds of miles of protected forest surround the town. Cleanest air ever.

Now home (as in right now) from a busy day of doing a large lunch there, and other cleanup tasks. Back to quiet and serenity. Smokes with coffee and dark cavernous dwellings :)

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~wolfinthewoods wrote:

yeah, i was doing essentially that for a second

before the dui i got a 'discover pass' which

allows you to camp at certain

state maintained locations for free

i have a membership so i'd go to the

ymca for showers

only social interaction has been from the AA

groups, which i loathe the 12 step rhetoric

and method, but believe in supporting other

people in recovery so i go still

(well, that, and to look good for the court)

a big blessing here too is the incredible

natural geography we have,

i'm literally twenty min from the gorgeous

national park

we're right on the bay, with the mountains as

a backdrop not even a half hour to the south

my grandpa called it 'god's country'

and he wasn't wrong