< What's happening?
> Hello ~inquiry, thanks for going through the troubles of
> explaining a possible answer.
You know, now that you mention it, it is trouble. :-) It takes time to "get my thoughts together", wonder if I'm "missing" something, wonder how saying varieties of anything might lead to winding up alone in a space, then there's the actual writing which, of course, is fraught with errors along the way, not to mention noticing even more errors after post what one thought was error free.
Writing verbiage is right up there with writing software in the self immolation game, as it were.
Oh well. I go through cycles of things seeming important, then other things seeming important to the point of forgetting what previous important things were, all the way to concluding this is all a massive waste of time.
But then a moment of longing for interaction occurs, and I'm back to getting lost in a whole lot of imagination of persons, interaction scenarios, and much associated blahdie blah.
I keep coming back to a permanent, general purpose non-attachment seeming like the best solution. But then this "self" seems more like a piece of styrofoam being tossed about at sea than something determining its path/direction.
Thanks for replying!
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