< silent reflection, a smoke, and a brew
hey there, ~detritus!
definitely happy to share it when it's ready to go. if all goes according to plan, the initial wiki entries will be knocked out by the end of this week and will all be live on the 'redesign' of my website (which is really just a change of the color scheme and removal of some outdated pages, with additions of newer, updated ones).
i also plan on mirroring it all over gemini as well, similar to what i'm currently doing with my mobile linux site.
your studies on yijing sound very interesting as well, and if you end up making a wiki at some point in the future, please make sure to share it here! that kind of thing is fascinating to me.
like you mention, i too delve deep into many different topics, and while my 'first brain' is good at holding it all in, i find the idea of logging the information into the 'second brain' (wiki/digital garden) not only benefits me should i need to come back and reference some detail about something i've learned, but I can then easily turn around and share that information with someone else should they need it, or some smallweb traveler will happen upon it at some point and maybe discover some new information or learn about a new topic they never knew they were interested in - i know i have learned about a lot of cool new stuff this way!
soon as it's all wrapped up, i will post it here for everyone and link to it here in my midnight profile. it will also be in git repos, should someone want to add anything to it/expand on a topic in it they might be knowledgeable about, and then that information can easily be integrated in with a simple pull request.
cheers, ~detritus! hope you and yours are having a good weekend.