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I have 1.6 GB of music downloaded. Each sign individually over a year. Still going at it. Physically music I want to like. Don't like HAVING it. Digital is fast and mindless. I avoid FLAC, as the files are huge.

All genres, eras. I lean Metal, Punk. classic Rock tho, tbh. All genres have good things to like.

I wonder, where is and who has the tapes I have away decades ago. 17, 18 I unloaded them. 130+ tapes of albums, likely ditching the mixed tapes of radio singles in the trash. RIP old format. Now it's all a big playlist, meagerly organized. On my to do to name files proper tho

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

I happened to be gainfully employed in 1990s, so was able to buy CDs in a fairly big way. I was still prudent, having been raised that way. But between acquiring CD versions of past vinyl favorites, and the tons of genuine 90s stuff I loved, I wound up with several spindles worth (by "spindles" I mean those large holders of blanks).

I can't remember the manufacturer, but I also had a lot of "cartridges" that held six. You'd pop one of those in their machine, and boom, you had a lot of listening. It was possible to do mp3's even then, but it was kind of a hassle, and download times weren't nearly what they are now. So I leaned in the CD direction.