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ha yes, in fact the entire screen/warp scenario is a parable: the morale of "meaning is lost, translations mis-transmitted, should one not conform to perfect and sincere rigidity"

Unlike the mechanical keyboards, or the physical chicklet keyboards, one much have Divine precision to cut muster on a thing that cannot understand any "less".

In that regard, when the precision, the 0101's and direct exactitude becomes the need or/and focus, the typist (I, in this case) can decide to NOT CARE what the IS or ISNT construed to the (apparent) point of uNdErStAnDiNg, from it (the keyboard, or the Internet).

Parables and particularities aside, I am sure as the suns warmth going back to my DELL L100 starting now. As virtual can gone Jamariquai on me.

"...living un-der-ground!"

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

Do go on!