If you're referring to to my infrequent posts, I stated that I was in hospital for a while, thus in a condition in which I was unable to post. But even without this incident, most of time I simply prefer to listen, rather than talk about whatever random thing comes to my mind, as more posts from me would make it more likely for certain people to discover my separate online identities.
On the other hand, I do not understand why you equal frequent posting ("mass") to good/high quality ("class"), given that a lot of social media, where virtually a handful of people are responsible for the vast majority of "content", are considered "dumpsters". I agree with ~showbx; sometimes people just can't be online all the time to share something that isn't of potential low quality.
In this regard, I apologize for my negativity. It was not my intent to offend anyone with my melancholic writing.
> If you're referring to to my infrequent posts, I stated > that I was in hospital for a while, thus in a condition in > which I was unable to post. But even without this incident, > most of time I simply prefer to listen, rather than talk > about whatever random thing comes to my mind, as more posts > from me would make it more likely for certain people to > discover my separate online identities.
I *was* referring to the infrequency, but not to be derogatory. I was trying to be creative with the pub metaphor, focusing on how upkeep of anything generally incurs cost, and that got me wondering how the bartender/owner was being paid, and suddenly equating words and currency felt a fun extension of the metaphor.
I don't think the reason for absence matters so much as it generally takes revenue to afford maintenance/improvements, and posting had been extremely lean for quite some time, with ~tffb doing the vast majority of it. I don't know what happened with them, but do know how I start feeling about posting when nobody's replying, so maybe it was along those lines. And since the post deletion functionality is lackluster, well... seems to me the next best thing is gutting posts of their title/content.
> On the other hand, I do not understand why you equal > frequent posting ("mass") to good/high quality ("class"), > given that a lot of social media, where virtually a > handful of people are responsible for the vast majority > of "content", are considered "dumpsters". I agree with > ~showbx; sometimes people just can't be online all the time > to share something that isn't of potential low quality.
I don't equate "mass" and "class". But "class" becomes increasingly irrelevant as "mass" goes to zero - as in I'll take something - i.e. that I can reply to, therein feeling as there's at least *some* degree of community happening - over nothing.
> In this regard, I apologize for my negativity. It was not > my intent to offend anyone with my melancholic writing.
Hopefully the patron indirectly referred to happens to accidentally lurk their way into that.