Much more philosophical. I agree, too. Also, can't lose what you don't forget. No hoarding there, either ha
Also, can't lose what you don't forget.
This is a really nice way of putting it. Despite my light data-hoarding (I've barely consumed a TB, and half of it is fire-and-forget video channel scraping), my personal data is quite little; there are people who take thousands of pictures that they'll never see, filling way more that even my laptop could store.
I'm firmly into the "appreciate the moment" club. That's probably why I can even afford to put the really personal stuff (including my software projects) into a few small blu-ray tops.
It needs to become a moment-to-moment re-realization. Looking back is *necessarily* stumbling forward with too much of one's focus and balance dedicated to maintaining memories of past steps instead of boldly going forward at full faculties warp....