< New Beginnings, Old Friends



Cheers, friend. I appreciate your response. I think I've reached a place in my life where I've learned to kind of let go of that "cringe" feeling when I think about my past self--I was the best I knew how to be with the knowledge and skill I had at the time. If anything, feeling cringe looking backward should feel like pride in the present, shouldn't it? Something about how far you've come since that point in time. In any case, I checked out your introduction post, and I'm with you in the "not really into programming and coding but I'm here anyway" boat. Still figuring a lot of practical things out about gemini and smolweb in general, but I appreciate the hell out of the philosophy behind it!

I live near a nature preserve that does controlled burns every year because it stimulates new growth and clears away overgrowth. I don't think it's true for most people in most awful situations, but sometimes I think about how destructive forces can really make room for growth you'd not have seen otherwise. We are not the overgrowing weeds, we are the pines at risk of being choked out. Glad your friend is doing so well, that's one hell of a curve ball.

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