<hiccup> I'll say one more thing before some smart ass lawyer decides to google-whip me with the definition of hate. The verb version of the thing is, "to feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility". We know it's the verb we want, since the rules just say "Don't hate". Or am I too literal when I'm drinking?
Anyway, there, you can keep hiding in the corner you lawyers, as you should.
How can we walk into a bar and stop being averse to things? Or not talk about anything we're averse to? But thems the rules folks, for better or for worse. Guess I have to accept if they throw me out. Do you? The things I'm averse to are often the things that matter the most. To me, I mean. Pretend we live in a world without opposition? It's a lie, and not a comforting one.