I've been on the fediverse for a year now and so far I have only received two hate messages. The first one was fairly mild so I blocked the user and changed my default posting setting to followers only. The second happened today and was more disturbing so there wasn't much I could do except wait for mods to clean it up which they did rather quickly. The most concerning part of today's message was that I was mentioned among about 15 others in the hate message which makes me wonder if I'm now one someones list for future harassment.
My account doesn't have a great deal of reach which is partly because I'm not very good at gaining followers on social media and partly because I have been intentionally limiting the reach of my account after the first incident. It's a sad state of affairs but I consider two incidents in a year to be a pretty good record for a social media platform and doubly so since both incident were from individual accounts rather than coordinated efforts. It's not perfect but overall I feel much safer on the fediverse than I have on any previous corporate platform. My instance admin follows me and I know the mod team is watching out for their users. That's more security than you can ever hope for on corporate social media.