Why do people go to where everybody else is?
If I go to the beach, or river, I try to go where the least people can be found.
Preferably none.
In negative numbers, if that's possible.
One time we went to the river, some brats (20-something year old brats), fuck knows what they were doing, but they put their motorcycle IN the river (it's a shallow part of the river) and were just
the egine, loud as possible. Punctuated by a few howls.... not a wolf-inna-woods kinda howl, more like a fucking 20-year-old-brat kind of howl.
Loud, noisy, and everybody else in that river had to put up with the
noise pollution.
- - -
I am glad you found a quiet spot, Ginsberg, Kerouac, Burroughs, maybe? are very nice company indeed.
I would like to see if I can find a paperback copy of Aldo Leopold, and of Thoreau. I have them in pdf but, seriously, A Sand County Almanac on a screen feels a bit -quite a bit- off.
Addendum. I always liked the beats, too. I was pleasantly surprised, in my forays into chinese poetry, to find out that they had in high esteem a lesser-known chinese poet called Han Shan, 寒山, or Cold Mountain. "Lesser known" because he doesn't figure in the usual anthologies, such as the 300 Tang Poems 唐詩三百首, because his poetry was written in the vernacular and not the regulated "learned" poetry of the likes of Du Fu 杜甫. I'd like to find a paperback of Red Pine's (bilingual) translation.
Poetry, that's where it's at.
> Why do people go to where everybody else is?
I don't know, but your asking suddenly had me realizing how well 'populate' rhymes with 'copulate'... :/
> If I go to the beach, or river, I try to go where the > least people can be found. > > Preferably none. > > In negative numbers, if that's possible.
Perhaps aka the absence of morons?
yep, those are the initial figures
the book covers,
afterwards are some
lesser known figures
like gary snyder and neal cassaday
(at least to me)
closest I ever got
to reading any
was burroughs'
naked lunch in high school
(and maybe a few chaps at that)
i'll check out han shan
i'm a big fan of what chinese poetry
i have read
thanks for the head's up