< silent reflection, a smoke, and a brew


ah, 100r, a new favorite of mine as of late. I downloaded 15 or so if their videos, read though all their off grid sailing posts and permacomputing entries. The second brain concept is interesting, have hard of it for a great while. Though, me being the knowledge-releasing, personal-interest-purger that I am, I have taken to err on the side of collecting OTHERS writing/knowledge, and see what I can keep/sustain/remember on my own, as I (personally) rarely produce and true original info.

That, and I consider all my writing/ideas to be ephemeral.

stay well ~rav3ndust, and I'd like to see your site(s) if you'd like to share

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~rav3ndust wrote (thread):

indeed! i have downloaded several of their vids as well, and got a copy of the wiktopher book (good read, i encourage anyone to likes 100r to give it a look if they haven't read it yet). i find some interesting parallels between my wife and i and the rabbits, except they're doing 'seasteading', and we're doing 'homesteading'! :-) their wiki was a huge inspiration for making me finally pull the trigger and building my own.

i've always liked the idea of ephemeral writings. here one day, gone the next - so read it while you can! perhaps i'll make a page sometime where random thoughts go, and then self-destruct at some random point in the future.

always happy to share! you can see the links to the current version of my personal site (it's updating with the wiki and 'redesign' soon), along with my mobile linux website and my code repos on my midnight profile if you'd like to check them out. i'll be updating the first link next week when i have the wiki/site redesign wrapped up.

cheers, ~tffb! hope you're enjoying the cooler temps in your neck of the woods. i know we certainly are here in arkansas.