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had the same...if it's broke,

but still works...

why fix it?

my screen looks like the san andreas fault

but the phone still is doing it's life purpose

so i am letting it fulfill it's destiny...

for now

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~tffb wrote (thread):

In my case (and in A case) it was warped so slightly that it barely was noticeable. But when I typed, autocorrect did whatever TF it wanted. Nothing like that I had typed

Now, I am typing 60 wpm on a virtual keyboard no problem.

I also modded the Google Keyboard to my specifications - no memorizing words, no custom (learned) dictionaries, no auto fill, no pw or cc info stored, no clipboard suggestions (I just choose Paste on whatever textarea I am pasting), no emoji, and the "tool belt" (BB term) is a quick shortcut to kb Settings, and that's all.

Granted, there are third party (more privacy centric) options out there, that do way worse a job. and of course, mechanical keys on a desktop always scratch the itch proper. Unless I had a typewriter :)

Glad things are better now