< So You Want to Get Into Philosophy


Thanks for the read. I have a long distance relationship with philosophy: something that has always allured me and also something that has always stayed just a bit out of reach. As with ~theoddballphilosopher, I read Kierkegaard when I was younger and was engaged. Sickness Unto Death was a great read. I enjoyed Fear and Loathing, which is kind of philosophy in its own right.

I feel like I'm a folk philosopher type. I find there is a lot of profundity in the profane, and the lives of the ordinary joes around me are good mirrors of the archetypes. I also find a great deal of wisdom in good fiction writing; not schlock, but traditionals that have withstood the test of time. East of Eden is a great example. The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, too.

I read Becker's Denial of Death, and it was transformative.

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