< looking ahead


It's nice to hear that you are doing exciting things!

I have for a while wanted to make a game with my partner, we sometimes like playing "room escape" kinds of games, and being a former aspiring amateur gamedev myself, I felt inspired to make one myself with her to help me...

I suck at getting things done, though. I got the Godot engine on my 'puter but I never got around to learning it. I also got GIMP and expected to try it out with her. She makes fun collages with a surrealist style which I wanted to use for the graphical aspect of the kinds of games I was envisioning, but again, I haven't had the courage to actually dive in and try to do all of this stuff....

I haven't done anything worthwhile with the computer for a while, there is a luddite side of me which fights against the prospect of using a computer for more than 20 minutes at a time, add to that the endless pain and frustration that modern technologies have caused me for the last 5 or 10 years, which are a cause of additional friction when it comes to doing anything, and I barely can do anything with the computer without having to climb a sheer wall of dread before embarking in any project.

Oh well, I have a hundred, no, a thousand other interests, all trying to get my attention at once. I wish I were either a full technical geek or a true luddite living in tune with nature. Instead, I'm stuck in between these two not being able to fully enjoy either of these two worlds.

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