Midnight Pub

Cardamom and Dragon's Blood


I received a nice gift in the mail today, a roll-on scented oil that smells of cardamom, copper and dragon's blood. I love the smell. My cat hates it.

I've been dealing with such painful toothaches these past few week. So badly that I stopped functioning for a good while. I went to get them checked out, and predictably, it's my wisdom teeth. They erupted and now they were causing all this ruckus in my mouth, barely letting me sleep, eat and shower in peace. I would have had them removed years ago, but my ortho at the time chose not to. I never realized how badly using metal brackets on my teeth would affect my life almost fifteen years after I had them, but here we are.

My oleander plants are growing nice, and are still blossoming, though. Incredible, given that I've barely had the energy to go out and water with all the pain I've been in. Thankfully, the neighbors were a big help with that. So they're looking nice and green as ever. And the lack of mosquitos now has made the evenings far more enjoyable.

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~dryac wrote:

Sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth. I never had braces so I'm learning of some of my luck.

My cat's also particular about scented things I make for my craft. Her little nose twitches ferociously whenever I offer her things - bless their sensitivity.

I'd love to hear how your plants are keeping now we're approaching Fall. My garlic's still growing well - as is my mint - but my chillies have all but packed up and I'll be sad to see all of my other herbs par rosemary do the same.