i finally
got sentenced
for my dui
it went about
as expected
probation (2yrs)
and outpatient
it's still a bit
bittersweet for me
i had just been in jail
a few months before
and had luckily
avoided the courts
up my ass
only to get this charge
and have them
firmly up my ass
my freedom is
very important
(as if you all
couldn't surmise)
and for this wolf
to be fettered
bound by the state
is demoralizing
to say the least
but i will
as always
keep howling on
i've endured too much
for this to break me
the positive flip side
is that
i officially own
this trailer
got the title
and bill of sale
after court
i figure
if getting a dui
was the cost
of not being homeless
that's a fair deal
my dog has a place
and i don't
have to worry about
a sober living house
(where they may not
even take my dog)
i get peace
q u i e t
the privilege of
living in the
//M O U N T A I N S\\
after typing it out
i do feel
really good
about it all
it IS a
new beginning
of what a life
without her
can start
to look like
i've waited for a
loooong time
to get here
it's good
to finally come
h o m e
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