It's hard to say, given a consequence of being above-average online includes an attention decay that'll have me wishing I'd wished for something other than whatever I state here less than a couple minutes after clicking the 'Reply' button.
I mean, I've not even clicked it yet, and already I'm despising its existence, because it represents putting a stake in the ground, in collapsing the wave function when un-collapsed wave function potential seems closer to bliss.
If you know what I mean.
I liked it!
gr8 second issue
30 years of WWW! such a long time. but also just a tiny spec of humanity's history.
and thanks for the fun history of gopher. i've been trying to write more on my gemini/http blog, for the sake of writing and contributing to the smallweb's growth. your writing piled on a bit more motivation. can't assure you it's quality, but it covers topics beyond "smallweb is cool."
gonna go (re?)read issue one because i don't remember reading it! (but i _think_ i did...)