It's halloween night where I live, and I'm spending it alone. As time went on after highschool (I'm also not the best at maintaining friendships, I'll admit that) my social circle steadily decreased and now I'm at the point where hanging out with friends is a bi-monthly occurrence; so while I would normally welcome a solo halloween movie night, this time it kinda stings.
But hey, it's halloween, a night of FREE CANDY, and if that doesn't give you hope nothing will.
Even though being with others is a big struggle for me, even when it shouldn't be, I find it's always worth it, so making more friends is a priority.
I'm currently looking for a job, so hopefully I'll forge some friendships with future colleagues, and I might even manage to reconnect with old friends or find new ones in other places. Until then I'll have my horror movies to keep me company.
I don't really do friends much. I have my wife, with whom I have a good friendship, I guess that's all I need. I haven't really missed having friends all that much. I entertain myself with my books. Hell, I have a shitload to read, where would I find time for friends?