so yesterday i nearly killed myself, and its like dang i need to go in another direction! so on to gemini i go. this is the first of hopefully many of my food reviews. wherein i review my own food.
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(my brokfast was noodles)
the kettle wasnt working for some reason so i put a bunch of water in my pan. then i put some olive oil. and i melted a nice big hunk of garlic butter in there. im working on enjoying stuff more and not feeling guilty about eating nice tasty things! and i poured in the onion oil and sauce packet that came with the noodles. and i put in all of the bumbu packet, which i always thought was something indomie had invented but i just searched it up and its not noodle-exclusive so whaddya know? bumbu is a real thing.
recently i found out that most people do not put in the entirety of the flavour packet. i cant understand this at allll. personally i like to eat food that has a taste. but i support you even if you are allergic to flavour.
im being hypocritical because i always only put the smallest shake of the chili packet. i have a spice tolerance but spiciness doesnt enhance food for me. i like to focus on the food and if my mouth is burning im too distracted.
so anyways once that mixture was boiling or not really boiling because i had no patience i put in my noodles. and even though it is literally never a problem i always worry about one side of my noodle block getting more cooked than the other, you know? so i try to flip it a couple of times before it disintegrates into shapeless noodle glop form.
now is probably a good time to mention that i dont so much 'boil' my noodles as much as i half submerge them. in my mind the ideal batch of noodles comes out dry. im not gonna sit there straining off hot water. i dont want to pour hot '''''''broth''''''' into my bowl. so for me its a game of how much water to put in my pan so that it dries out right at the time that my noodles are done cooking. i also value creating an emulsion with all of the fat i put in there and the starch from the noodles. mmmm gloop. so yeah i agitate it a bunch to really get that mush going. i learnt this technique from a russian guy on youtube. recent attempts at finding the video have been fruitless. it was probably in 2018 if that helps?
ive been watching a bunch of videos about cooking and while i was making my noodles i was like aha... if i put in some acid and salt rn itll cut the fat and make my meal more flavourful... and i was messing around you know but i put some drops of lemon in there. and more salt than i normally would.
anyways once i achieved sufficient gloopency and mushification i glopped that stuff into a bowl and put more butter in my pan and then i made two eggs i think the style is called over easy? i dont know. but i cracked both yolks. but its okay those grapes were probably sour anyways. anyways then i took the plate which i had put on my bowl to keep my food warm off and i put my eggs on top of my noodles. and that was that.
this meal needs to be split up into two categories and maybe a third bonus one.
these were the most flavourful noodles ive made maybe ever ever ever. like i didnt think adding lemon in there wouldve made THAT much of a difference but wowowow it did. it didnt even taste like lemon or anything. maybe it was placebo. but it tasted just way stronger. it was awesome and i will consider adding lemon or vinegar to more of my cooking.
the eggs were fine.
im gonna be real with you these noodles had a worse texture than 90% of all the noodles ive made these past 3 months. i failed to cook all the water off so they were kind of wet which i do not like. i like my noodles mushy, not soggy.
i guess it was fine because they were wet with the aforementioned emulsion goop so it wasnt like WATERY or anything. but i wasnt a fan. i think the amount of butter i added made everything too silky and smooth. not greasy at all but it just wasnt what i was going for.
the eggs were fine.
the mildly soggy look of these noodles. it was not great. they were the colour of leather car seats but not the black ones, the beige ones, you know? the sauce was also this colour. bleh.
the eggs were not particularly crispy-looking and the premature breaking of the yolks definitely shaves off some of the aesthetic power of this dish. well oh well.
OVERALL FILLINGNESS: 6/10. needs fibre, probobly.